Back and Biceps

Back and Biceps

Leg day is my favorite but training my Back next in line. A strong back promotes good posture and helps prevents neck and shoulder pain. Currently on the days I train my Back I also include Biceps and some Abs. I am always looking for new ways to activate those small muscles and this session targeted the mid upper back and I was sore for a few days! Hope you enjoy it!

Legs and Glutes

Legs and Glutes

Most people dread leg day but I have always loved it. I specifically train my legs and glute twice a week. On Sundays I love to do heavier weight and lower repetitions. It usually takes me 90 minutes so I know on Sunday Morning I have extra time to get the whole workout in. My second leg workout of the week is usually on Wednesday or Thursday depending on my schedule.

The Real Truth About Six-Pack Abs

The Real Truth About Six-Pack Abs

By Craig, Certified Personal Trainer

“How can I get a flat stomach?”

It’s one of the most commonly asked questions, yet most misunderstood concepts, of exercise Whether it’s shedding excess weight off one’s midsection or trying to obtain the Holy Grail of fitness (the vaunted six-pack), many people spend countless hours in the gym trying to perfect this one area more than any other. What makes it so difficult to achieve is not a lack of effort but a lack of understanding. I’ll illustrate some of the reasons why getting a tighter tummy has eluded so many, despite great effort..

29th Annual Wish-A-Mile Bicycle Tour

29th Annual Wish-A-Mile Bicycle Tour

I am raising money for Make A Wish Foundation by biking 300 miles over 3 days.  Many of you probably think this will be easy for me but I beg to differ.  The studio is only 5 miles one way so biking 100 miles a day is going to be a big challenge, but there are children suffering every day with diseases and it is for these children that I choose to ride.